
About ICOM

Meningiomas are the most common primary brain tumor in adults, however, in comparison to other tumors, they are extremely understudied. The International Consortium on Meningiomas, under the leadership of Dr. Gelareh Zadeh, has been formed in order to increase awareness and conduct high quality cutting-edge research on these highly understudied tumors.

The Consortium has representatives from 30 institutions across 4 continents with expertise ranging across the fields of neurosurgery, neuropathology, neuro-oncology, neuro-radiology, radiation oncology, molecular/translational biology, bioinformatics, and statistics/epidemiology. The Consortium meets regularly by teleconference as well as through face-to-face meetings to discuss, collaborate, and present progression on ongoing projects as well as plan for international conferences, workshops, educational days, and special issue publications.

Controversies in Neurosurgery with ICOM

Nov 13-15, 2024



Controversies in Neurosurgery, now in its 20th year, is an interactive conference on the controversial topics facing neurosurgeons today. It’s a chance to meet the experts and debate the issues, with plenty of time for discussion built into the program.

Wednesday 13th of November with be a special session combined with ICOM, the International Consortium on Meningiomas, a highly successful collaborative to increase awareness and conduct high quality cutting-edge research on these understudied tumours. So come and experience a comprehensive and practical update on the topic.

Thursday 14 and 15th November with host Controversies in Neurosurgery proper – with the usual mix of updates on the controversies faced by the modern neurosurgeon.

Come and join the discussion and network with your colleagues at a conference with a difference.


Wednesday 13 November 2024 8:00 AM – Friday 15 November 2024 5:30 PM (UTC+11)


Langham Hotel
1 Southgate Ave, Melbourne VIC 3006
